Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday Night Sew In - The Results!!

I think my first ever FNSI was a success :)
I didn't finish any projects, but I did make some good progress.
The first project I worked on was a pair of mug rugs. I used the tutorial from Don't call me Betsy:
I've been cutting out the fabric for the last couple of weeks. Here's a picture:
I used Valentine's fabric to create the Tetris mug rugs. I like my mug rugs big, so I am going to add a couple of borders to these. This was my first time playing with pieces of fabric so small - they were 1.5 inch squares. I was intimidated at first, but it wasn't too bad.
Project #2 was my own design inspired by some of the mini-quilts on display at the Houston Quilt Festival. I have a lot of flair on my lanyard that I wear every day at work. They represent different projects I've worked on or meaningful events. My badge & lanyard combo have gotten quite heavy, but I still wanted to display my flair. When I saw the mini-quilts on display, I had a great idea. Here is one of the quilts that inspired me:
I decided to incorporate some hand embroidery in my version. Here is what I was able to do tonight:
I can't wait to finish this mini-quilt and add my flair to it!!!!
Jake approves of my work :)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Friday Night Sew In! Yippee!!!

Handmade by Heidi

I signed up for Friday Night Sew In!!! My first time ever!!! I'm so excited!!! I can't stop using exclamation points!!!!!!!!

One week from idea to finish :)

Inspiration struck when I was walking my dog two weeks ago. I had been cutting out fabric for two different projects - a wall hanging and a set of mug rugs. I always cut more fabric than I need, just in case I really screw up LOL! I get my inspiration from fabric or from a quilt pattern, sometimes my daughter inspires me too.
I rarely get to have that spark go from idea to finished piece in a week, but this time I got lucky :) Time and inspiration were on my side and this is the end result...
They are pretty big for mug rugs - 7.5 by 11 inches. But I had fun making them and that's all that matters for me :)
I also started a new knitting project this past week. I needed something to do with my hands. I blame the full moon we had :) Here's a sneak peek:
The yarn is Sensations Angel Hair that I picked up at JoAnn's. It feels really soft :) I'm using size 10 knitting needles and a simple knit stitch for this scarf. This is only my second knitting project and I don't feel like I've mastered the knit stitch yet :) But I'm working on it everyday and getting better and better!!
That is all for today - happy crafting everyone!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Busy, but not Sewing :(

Wow!! I'm sad to say that since I started this blog, I haven't had a lot of time to do any sewing. I have cut out some fabric and was able to sew together a couple new mug rugs, but not much else :(

I'll post some pictures of my recent efforts soon - hopefully tomorrow!!